Yunaldi, S.Kom File LK Hetty Ismainar. Baak.
![[thumbnail of 1. MK Adm Pembangunan_SK_Nilai_absensi_bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. MK Adm Pembangunan_SK_Nilai_absensi_bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. MK_dasar IKM, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. MK_dasar IKM, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 3. MK_OMK, absen, nilai, buku OMK.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. MK_OMK, absen, nilai, buku OMK.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 1. MK_penulisan ilmiah, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. MK_penulisan ilmiah, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. MK_perencanaan, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. MK_perencanaan, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 3. MK_kepemimpinan, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. MK_kepemimpinan, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 4. MK_pemasaran_SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. MK_pemasaran_SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 1. MK_omk_sk, absen, nilai, buku ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. MK_omk_sk, absen, nilai, buku ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. MK_PPM (SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar).pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. MK_PPM (SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar).pdf
Download (430kB)
![[thumbnail of 3. MK_manj logistik (SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar).pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. MK_manj logistik (SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar).pdf
Download (337kB)
![[thumbnail of 4. MK_manaj SDM mutu_SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. MK_manaj SDM mutu_SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 1. MK penulisan Ilmiah, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. MK penulisan Ilmiah, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. MK Kepemimpinan, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. MK Kepemimpinan, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 3. MK pemasaran rs_sk, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. MK pemasaran rs_sk, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 4. MK Manaj SDM dan mutu, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. MK Manaj SDM dan mutu, SK, absen, nilai, bahan ajar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 5. MK_kualitatif_SK, absen,nilai.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
5. MK_kualitatif_SK, absen,nilai.pdf
Download (800kB)
![[thumbnail of SK, lembar pengesahan, residensi 2021_2022.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
SK, lembar pengesahan, residensi 2021_2022.pdf
Download (893kB)
![[thumbnail of SK, Laporan_ PBL 2021.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
SK, Laporan_ PBL 2021.pdf
Download (719kB)
![[thumbnail of PKM, SK, Laporan 2021-2022.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
PKM, SK, Laporan 2021-2022.pdf
Download (453kB)
![[thumbnail of SK dan Lembar pengesahan.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
SK dan Lembar pengesahan.pdf
Download (574kB)
![[thumbnail of 1. Pebbg utama 2021-2022.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. Pebbg utama 2021-2022.pdf
Download (242kB)
![[thumbnail of 2. Pembbg pendamping 2021-2022_new.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. Pembbg pendamping 2021-2022_new.pdf
Download (506kB)
![[thumbnail of 1. SK dan Lembar Pesetujuan skripsi_pbb 1.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. SK dan Lembar Pesetujuan skripsi_pbb 1.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. SK skripsi, Lembar Persetujuan Pembbg 2.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. SK skripsi, Lembar Persetujuan Pembbg 2.pdf
Download (499kB)
![[thumbnail of SK, lembar pengesahan, residensi 2021_2022.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
SK, lembar pengesahan, residensi 2021_2022.pdf
Download (893kB)
![[thumbnail of 1. Oral presentasi_2020.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. Oral presentasi_2020.pdf
Download (852kB)
![[thumbnail of 2. Oral presentasi 2021.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. Oral presentasi 2021.pdf
Download (656kB)
![[thumbnail of Pelatihan Kaji etik dasar_Surat tugas, sertifikat.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
Pelatihan Kaji etik dasar_Surat tugas, sertifikat.pdf
Download (372kB)
![[thumbnail of sertifikat asesor_bkd_hetty.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
sertifikat asesor_bkd_hetty.pdf
Download (740kB)
![[thumbnail of 1. To what extent.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. To what extent.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. Belief culture.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. Belief culture.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 3. Phenomenology.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. Phenomenology.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 4. Patients perceptions_drug abuse.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. Patients perceptions_drug abuse.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 5. The role of TBAs.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
5. The role of TBAs.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 6. Job satisfaction.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
6. Job satisfaction.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 7. Faktor dominan BABS.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
7. Faktor dominan BABS.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 8. Higyine sanitasi.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
8. Higyine sanitasi.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 9. Family planning.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
9. Family planning.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 10. buku covid.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
10. buku covid.pdf
Download (38MB)
![[thumbnail of 11. Buku monograf.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
11. Buku monograf.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. Oral presentasi 2021.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. Oral presentasi 2021.pdf
Download (656kB)
![[thumbnail of 1. Program edukasi_abdimas nusa mandiri.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. Program edukasi_abdimas nusa mandiri.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. Startegi penerimaan vaksin_abdidas.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. Startegi penerimaan vaksin_abdidas.pdf
Download (521kB)
![[thumbnail of 3. Coaching nenek ASI.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. Coaching nenek ASI.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 4. Cegah Diare.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. Cegah Diare.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 5. Laporan Pengabdian PHBS_new.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
5. Laporan Pengabdian PHBS_new.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 6. Laporan Pengabdian 2_air minum_ok.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
6. Laporan Pengabdian 2_air minum_ok.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 7. Cegah stunting_rejosari_2022 juni.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
7. Cegah stunting_rejosari_2022 juni.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 1. SK Akreditasi Prodi S2.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. SK Akreditasi Prodi S2.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. SK_tim akre universitas.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. SK_tim akre universitas.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 3. sertifikat_asesor_bkd.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. sertifikat_asesor_bkd.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 4. SK Panitia Pusat KONAS XV dan FIT VIII IAKMI 2022.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. SK Panitia Pusat KONAS XV dan FIT VIII IAKMI 2022.pdf
Download (566kB)
![[thumbnail of 5. SK PENGDA PROVINSI RIAU.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
Download (554kB)
![[thumbnail of 6. Sertifikat Sosialisasi Vaksin hetty.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
6. Sertifikat Sosialisasi Vaksin hetty.pdf
Download (456kB)
![[thumbnail of 7. sertifikat_seminar Covid_fakta_hoaks_feb 2021.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
7. sertifikat_seminar Covid_fakta_hoaks_feb 2021.pdf
Download (84kB)
![[thumbnail of 8. sertifikat_edukasi mass media_feb 2022.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
8. sertifikat_edukasi mass media_feb 2022.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 9. webinar_public health.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
9. webinar_public health.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 10. sertifikat kompetensi penyamaan persepsi.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
10. sertifikat kompetensi penyamaan persepsi.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 11. sertifikat seminar, literatur review 16 juli 2022.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
11. sertifikat seminar, literatur review 16 juli 2022.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 12. Seminar satgas_stunting.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
12. Seminar satgas_stunting.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 1. To what extent.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. To what extent.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. Belief culture.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. Belief culture.pdf
Download (814kB)
![[thumbnail of 3. Phenomenology.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. Phenomenology.pdf
Download (858kB)
![[thumbnail of 4. Patients perceptions_drug abuse.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. Patients perceptions_drug abuse.pdf
Download (727kB)
![[thumbnail of 5. The role of TBAs.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
5. The role of TBAs.pdf
Download (891kB)
![[thumbnail of 6. Job satisfaction.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
6. Job satisfaction.pdf
Download (955kB)
![[thumbnail of 7. Faktor dominan BABS.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
7. Faktor dominan BABS.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 9. Family planning.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
9. Family planning.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 10. buku covid.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
10. buku covid.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 11. Buku monograf.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
11. Buku monograf.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 10. Performance_ evaluation.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
10. Performance_ evaluation.pdf
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![[thumbnail of Belief culture.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
Belief culture.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. Ijazah S1 dan S2.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. Ijazah S1 dan S2.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 3. Ijazah S3, transkrip Nilai_ Hetty.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. Ijazah S3, transkrip Nilai_ Hetty.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 4. Disertasi (cover, lembar pengesahan, daftar isi, abstrak)_ok.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. Disertasi (cover, lembar pengesahan, daftar isi, abstrak)_ok.pdf
Download (993kB)
![[thumbnail of 4. Disertasi (cover, lembar pengesahan, daftar isi, abstrak)_ok.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. Disertasi (cover, lembar pengesahan, daftar isi, abstrak)_ok.pdf
Download (993kB)
![[thumbnail of 5. SK dosen Tetap_hetty_2008.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
5. SK dosen Tetap_hetty_2008.pdf
Download (100kB)
![[thumbnail of 6. Surat tubel, pengembalian.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
6. Surat tubel, pengembalian.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 8. SK PAK terakhir.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
8. SK PAK terakhir.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 8. SK PAK terakhir.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
8. SK PAK terakhir.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 9. SK Jabatan terkahir.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
9. SK Jabatan terkahir.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 10. SK Kepangkatan terakhir (inpassing).pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
10. SK Kepangkatan terakhir (inpassing).pdf
Download (146kB)
![[thumbnail of 17. Sertifikat serdos hetty ismainar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
17. Sertifikat serdos hetty ismainar.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 19 Sertifikat akreditasi S3 Undip.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
19 Sertifikat akreditasi S3 Undip.pdf
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![[thumbnail of DAFTAR HADIR SENAT.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
Download (488kB)
![[thumbnail of 1. To what extent.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. To what extent.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. Belief culture.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. Belief culture.pdf
Download (343kB)
![[thumbnail of 3. Phenomonology.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. Phenomonology.pdf
Download (266kB)
![[thumbnail of 4. patient perception.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. patient perception.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 5. the role of TBAs.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
5. the role of TBAs.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 6. Job satisfaction.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
6. Job satisfaction.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 7. faktor dominan BABS.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
7. faktor dominan BABS.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 8. Hygine sanitasi.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
8. Hygine sanitasi.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 9. family planning.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
9. family planning.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 10. Performance Evaluation.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
10. Performance Evaluation.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 6. Laporan Pengabdian 2_air minum_ok (1).pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
6. Laporan Pengabdian 2_air minum_ok (1).pdf
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![[thumbnail of 7. LAPORAN_penyuluhan ayo cegah Covid 19.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
7. LAPORAN_penyuluhan ayo cegah Covid 19.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 8. LAPORAN PENYULUHAN_Diabetes.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
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![[thumbnail of 10. Laporan Pema_Blance score card_.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
10. Laporan Pema_Blance score card_.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 13. sertifikat bidan gizi.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
13. sertifikat bidan gizi.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 14. Pemberdayaan kader.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
14. Pemberdayaan kader.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 1. surat pengantar PT.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
1. surat pengantar PT.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 2. Ijazah S1 dan S2.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
2. Ijazah S1 dan S2.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 3. Ijazah S3, transkrip Nilai_ Hetty.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
3. Ijazah S3, transkrip Nilai_ Hetty.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 4. Disertasi (cover, lembar pengesahan, daftar isi, abstrak)_ok.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
4. Disertasi (cover, lembar pengesahan, daftar isi, abstrak)_ok.pdf
Download (993kB)
![[thumbnail of 5. SK dosen Tetap_hetty_2008.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
5. SK dosen Tetap_hetty_2008.pdf
Download (100kB)
![[thumbnail of 6. Surat tubel, pengembalian.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
6. Surat tubel, pengembalian.pdf
Download (201kB)
![[thumbnail of 7. SK PAK terakhir.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
7. SK PAK terakhir.pdf
Download (141kB)
![[thumbnail of 8. SK Kepangkatan terakhir (inpassing).pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
8. SK Kepangkatan terakhir (inpassing).pdf
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![[thumbnail of 9. SK Jabatan terkahir.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
9. SK Jabatan terkahir.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 10. DP 3, 2 th (2020-2021).pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
10. DP 3, 2 th (2020-2021).pdf
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![[thumbnail of 11. pertimbangan senat.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
11. pertimbangan senat.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 12. Daftar hadir senat.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
12. Daftar hadir senat.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 13. keabsahan karya ilmiah.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
13. keabsahan karya ilmiah.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 14. Validasi karya ilmiah.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
14. Validasi karya ilmiah.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 15. Lampiran dupak_ok.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
15. Lampiran dupak_ok.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 16. Lampiran IV_pendidkan_pengajaran.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
16. Lampiran IV_pendidkan_pengajaran.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 17. Lampiran V. Penelitian_hetty.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
17. Lampiran V. Penelitian_hetty.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 18. Lampiran VI, Pengabdian_hetty.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
18. Lampiran VI, Pengabdian_hetty.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 19. Lampiran VII. Penunjang.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
19. Lampiran VII. Penunjang.pdf
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![[thumbnail of 20. Sertifikat serdos hetty ismainar.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
20. Sertifikat serdos hetty ismainar.pdf
Download (143kB)
![[thumbnail of 21. non pns.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
21. non pns.pdf
Download (246kB)
![[thumbnail of 22 Sertifikat akreditasi S3 Undip.pdf]](/style/images/fileicons/text.png)
22 Sertifikat akreditasi S3 Undip.pdf
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Item Type: | Other |
Subjects: | A General Works > AC Collections. Series. Collected works |
Depositing User: | Mr Yunaldi S.Kom |
Date Deposited: | 01 Sep 2022 01:17 |
Last Modified: | 01 Sep 2022 01:17 |
URI: | |